Internet Store Rules
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Preliminary Provisions
- The present Rules are dedicated to both Consumers and Entrepreneurs using the Store, and it establishes the rules of using the Internet Store, as well as the rules and the mode of concluding Distant Sale Agreements with the Customer by the agency of the Store.
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- Consumer – the natural person concluding an agreement within the Store with the Seller, the object whereof not being directly linked to their economic or professional activity.
- Seller – 370 STUDIO Sp. z o.o. (Limited), Duchnicka Street 3/1, 01-796 Warsaw, PL5272808635
- Customer – any subject making a purchase using the Store.
- Enterpreneur – a natural person, a legal entity, or an organizational unit other than a legal entity, granted legal capacity by a separate law, executing economic activity on their own behalf, who uses the Store.
- Store – the internet store maintained by the Seller under the Internet address foodstories.com i .pl
- Distant Agreement – an agreement concluded with the Customer within an organized system of concluding agreements at a distance (within the Store), without physical presence of both the sides at the same time, with the exclusive use of a technique or more techniques that enable distant communication until the conclusion of the agreement and including the moment of concluding the agreement.
- Rules – the present rules of the Store.
- Purchase – a declaration of will made by the Customer by means of the Purchase Form and directly aimed at concluding a Product Sales Agreement with the Seller.
- Account – the Customer’s account in the Store, wherein there are data provided by the Customer, alongside their Purchases in the Store.
- Registration Form – the form available in the Store, allowing to create an Account.
- Purchase Form – the interactive form available in the Store, allowing to make a Purchase, namely by adding Products to the Cart and establishing the regulations of the Sales Agreement, including the selection of delivery and payment options.
- Cart – the element of the Store’s software, wherein there are the products selected for purchase by the Customer, and where one can establish and modify the Purchase details, particularly the amount and number of products.
- Product – a movable good/service available in the Store that is the object of the Sales Agreement between the Customer and the Seller.
- Sales Agreement – the Sales Agreement concerning the Product, concluded between the Customer and the Seller by the agency of the Internet Store. The Sales Agreement is also understood as – according to the characteristics of the Product – a service agreement or an agreement for a specific task
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Contact with the Store
- The Seller’s address: 370 STUDIO Sp. z o.o. (Limited), Duchnicka Street 3/1, 01-796 Warsaw.
- The Seller’s e-mail: foodstorieswear@gmail.com +48 557383370
- The Seller’s bank account number:
PLN – PL87 1140 2004 0000 3602 7698 5495
EUR – PL 17 1140 2004 0000 3112 1468 7067
- The Customer may contact the Seller using the addresses provided in the present paragraph.
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Technical Requirements
To use the Store, particularly to view its assortment and purchase the Products, one needs:
- a user’s device with Internet access and an Internet browser,
- an active electronic account (e-mail),
- enabled cookies,
- installed FlashPlayer.
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General Information
- The Seller is not responsible, to the greatest extent possible according to the law, for any impediments, including breaks in the functioning of the Store caused by force majeure, illegal actions taken by third parties, or the Internet Store being incompatible with the Customer’s technical infrastructure.
- Viewing the Store assortment does not require creating an Account. The Customer may purchase Products from the Store assortment either after creating an Account according to the provisions made in § 6 of the Rules or by providing the necessary personal and address data allowing to realize the Purchase without creating an Account.
- The prices in the Store are presented in the currency selected by the Customer (PLN, EUR) and are gross prices (they include the VAT tax, which is 0%-23%).
- The final price to be paid by the Customer includes the Product price plus the delivery fee (including the cost of transport and delivery, and postal charges), about which the Customer is informed on the Store’s websites when making the Purchase, also when expressing the declaration of will concerning the conclusion of the Sales Agreement.
- In an Agreement concerning a subscription or providing service for an indefinite time, the final price is the joint price including all payments for the settlement period.
- When the character of the object of the Agreement does not allow, judged reasonably, to calculate the final price in advance, the information on the way of calculating the price, on the transport cost, the delivery fee, the postal services, as well as on other costs, will be provided in the Store, in the description of the Product.
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Rules for making Purchases
In order to make a Purchase, one needs to
- choose the Product being the object of the Purchase, and click the button “Add to Cart”,
- use the option of making Purchases without registration by clicking the button “Purchase”,
- fill in the Purchase Form by typing the information about the person receiving the Purchase, as well as the delivery address, select the delivery option, provide the invoice data (if different from the data of the receiver),
- select one of the available payment methods and, according to the payment method, pay for the purchase within the determined deadline, subject to § 7 item 3.
- Click the button “Purchase and pay” and make the payment.
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Available methods of payment and delivery
- The Customer may use the following methods of payment and delivery of the purchased Product:
- courier delivery,
- parcel pick-up station.
- The Customer may use the following methods of payment:
- electronic payments are processed by the company Blue Media S.A located in Sopot, Haffnera Street, postal code: 81-717. KRS (National Court Register) number: 0000320590,
- traditional money transfer,
- Paypal
- Detailed information on delivery options and the accepted methods of payment are provided on the Store’s websites.
- Type of cards: Visa, Visa Electron, Maestro, MasterCard, MasterCard Electronic
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Performing the Agreement
- The Sales Agreement between the Customer and the Seller is concluded after the Customer makes the Purchase by means of the Purchase Form in the Internet Store according to § 6 of the present Rules.
- When the Purchase is made, the Seller immediately confirms its reception and at the same time accepts the Purchase for execution. The Seller confirms the purchase and accepts it for execution by sending a appropriate e-mail message to the Customer, using the electronic address provided when making the purchase, including at least the Seller’s declaration of receiving the Purchase, accepting it for execution, and confirming the conclusion of the Sales Agreement. Once the Customer receives the above-mentioned e-mail message, the Sales Agreement between the Customer and the Seller is concluded.
- The Customer is obliged to make the payment within 3 calendar days from the conclusion of the Sales Agreement; otherwise the purchase is cancelled.
- If the Customer chose courier delivery, the Product will be sent by the Seller within the deadline indicated in its description (according to section 5 of the present paragraph), using the option selected by the Customer when making the Purchase.
- In case of purchasing Products whose delivery dates are different, the delivery deadline is the longest one.
- The delivery deadline is calculated beginning from the day of crediting the Seller’s bank account with the payment.
- The Products are delivered in different world zones, which can be selected when finalizing the purchase.
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The right of withdrawal
- Within 14 days, the Consumer may withdraw from the Sales Agreement without giving any reason, excluding custom made products.
- The time limits established in section 1 of the present paragraph runs from the date of Product delivery to the Customer or to a person assigned by them, other than the carrier.
- In case of an Agreement concerning a number of Products that are delivered separately, in batches or in parts, the time limit determined in section 1 of the present paragraph runs from the date of delivering the last item, batch, or part.
- The Consumer may withdraw from the Agreement by providing the Seller with a declaration of withdrawal from the Agreement. The time limit for withdrawing from the Agreement is observed if the Consumer sends the declaration within that time limit.
- The declaration may be delivered by traditional post or by electronic post, by means of sending the declaration to the Seller’s e-mail address: foodstorieswear@gmail.com
- The effects of withdrawal are the following:
- In case of withdrawing from a Distant Agreement, the Agreement is considered not concluded.
- The Seller will refund the payment once the Product is delivered back.
- The condition of the refund is the delivery of the product that does not bear traces of use or damage.
- The Consumer ought to send the Product back to the Seller’s address provided in the present Rules immediately, no longer than 14 days from the day of informing the Seller about the withdrawal from the Agreement. The time limit will be observed providing the Consumer sends the Product within the 14-day period.
- The Consumer bears the direct costs of returning the Product, including the cost of returning the Product which, due to its character, could not be sent by post in the regular way.
- The Consumer’s right of withdrawal from the Distant Agreement does not apply to the following Agreements:
- wherein the object of the performance is a non-prefabricated item, produced according to the Consumer’s specification, or made to fulfill their individual needs,
- concerning a performance, if the Seller completed a service following a clear consent of the Consumer, who had been informed before the performance began that after the Seller completes the performance, they lose their right of withdrawal,
- wherein the object of the performance are items that, when delivered, due to their character, become inextricably connected with other items.
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Personal Data in the Internet Store
- The Controller of the Customers’ personal data collected by the Internet Store is the Seller.
- The Customers’ personal data collected by the controller by the agency of the Internet Store are collected in order to execute the Sales Agreement and, if the Customer agrees for that, also for marketing purposes.
- The recipient of the Internet Store’s Customers’ personal data can be:
- if the Customer chooses delivery by post or by courier in the Internet Store, the Controller grants access to the collected personal data of the Customer to the selected carrier or the agent executing deliveries on the Controller’s order.
- if the Customer chooses the option of electronic payment or payment by debit card in the Internet Store, the Controller grants access to the collected personal data of the Customer to the selected subject processing the above-mentioned payments in the Internet Store.
- The Customer has right of access to their personal data and the right to rectification of their personal data.
- Providing personal data is optional, although refusing to provide the personal data indicated in Rules that are necessary to conclude the Sales Agreement results in the lack of possibility to conclude the said Agreement.
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Final Provisions
- Agreements made by the agency of the Internet Store are made in Polish.
- The Seller reserves the right to modify the Rules for significant reasons, that is: changes of law, changes of payment and delivery options – in the scope in which the said changes influence the execution of the provisions of the present Rules. The Seller will inform the Customer about each modification with at least 7 days’ notice.
- To all matters not settled herein, generally binding provisions of the Polish law shall respectively apply, in particular: The Civil Code; the Act on Providing Services by Electronic Means; the Act on Consumer Rights; the Act on Personal Data Protection.